Solution Owners
For all the criteria, download the solution presentation guidelines here.
Yes. Simply follow the step-by-step guide to creating an account and share your solution by clicking this link.
Our initiative has no submission fees.
After creating your account, go to the Share Solutions page.
Click “Share Solution,” then follow the step-by-step guide. Please note that you don’t need to complete your solution presentation all in one sitting. Your solution presentation will be saved automatically at every step of the process, allowing you to log out and return to complete it at a later date.
You can also share a solution through your user dashboard by clicking on “Share Solution.”
Yes, you can share more than one solution.
We ask you to share your email address and phone number so that we can contact you if your solution is featured at the for Tomorrow Spin-Off Assembly.
Once you share your solution on the for Tomorrow platform, we will review it to ensure it fits the solution presentation guidelines. Please note that a moderator may contact you and request that you make alterations to your solution presentation before it is published.
You will receive an email once your solution is successfully published.
You will receive an email once your solution is successfully published.
You may not edit or alter your solution. However, we encourage you to use your dashboard to provide regular updates on the evolution of your solution to keep followers of your solution and our global community updated on progress, news and observations.
Once your solution has been successfully published, you are free to provide regular updates on your solution page dashboard. Other registered users can comment on your updates.
To remove your solution, go to your solution page via your dashboard. At the bottom of your solution page, there is a link to remove your solution.
Yes, we encourage you to promote your solution across all social media platforms. We recommend you use the official #fortomorrow2030 hashtag to engage with our global community.