I Hear You
A mobile application translating & communicating from Text/Audio to Sign Language & vice-versa, A Learning digital platform for the community at large to learn sign language, B2B ver. for corporate & government entities to better serve the community.

Everyday innovations in communication alter our lives and connect people who are worlds apart in the swiftest and most efficient ways. While humans conquered distances, they are still struggling to overcome differences. In this time and day, most of us communicate easily with people thousands of miles away from us but not with a deaf-mute person sitting right next to us.
Despite unprecedented advancements in communication systems, a deaf-mute person walking into a café still struggles to order a cup of coffee – not to mention one in a life-threatening situation and need to ask for help.
Around 466 million people worldwide have disabling hearing loss, and 80 % use various sign languages as a way of communication? 370 million!!!
WHO estimates an annual global cost to cover the health sector cost, educational support, loss of productivity, and societal costs? 750 Billion $
That moment you realize that not everyone has benefitted equally from these advancements you are utterly shocked - and inspired. That is how I HEAR YOU was created.
A mobile application with sign language keyboard & 3d Character animations to translate sign language to text/audio and from text/audio to sign language, creating a bi-directional communication channel
to improve & ease the lives of deaf people who need to communicate with the verbally speaking community and vice versa!
I HEAR YOU is all about empowering community inclusion and certainly builds bridges of communication and renders greater inclusion for the deaf-mute community, enabling everyone to be HEARD.
Meet the solution owner