Converting organic waste into household cleaning products
Collecting plant residue and food waste to create environmentally-friendly household cleaning products - a business with a mission to reduce environmental pollution and provide job security for poor households.

Ms. Trinh Thi Hong came up with the idea of creating shampoo, shower gel, dish-washing and floor cleaning liquid from food waste such as fruit peels and vegetable scraps when the neighbourhood's garbage truck encountered a problem, making the odour of the accumulating garbage very unpleasant. In addition, she knows that due to the urbanization process, the local farmers do not have productive land, along with old age, it was difficult for them to get a job in industrial zones. Moreover, she also realized that toxic chemicals in essential products such as dishwashing and home cleaning liquid can be absorbed through the skin, affecting users’ health.
She spent more than three years researching, doing experiments, developing formulas and improving her products so that they can meet the standard of quality-methodology authority. One of her products is dish soap made from vegetable and fruits peels containing enzymes. When used, this enzyme removes odour in the air and its residues purify water in rivers or seas. With Ms. Hong's process, poor women process about 109 tonnes of waste to produce 50,000 – 51,000 liters of products a month. Up to 2020, Ms. Hong has created jobs for more than 400 female workers from poor households.
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